The Motherf*cking



Before you PROCEED, you need to know this isnt a 'cute' little retreat.

This is a mother fucking retreat b*tch.

It is NOT for the faint-hearted and those who are preachers, wishers. F*CK THAT - if you are coming to this retreat it is because you want to be a do'er not say'er.

Have you ever felt like... “I feel a little complacent - things are good but i’m a little bored”

Welcome, I am Dijana DJUKIC

I have been a personal trainer / coach for over 7 years and I desire to revolutionise the way women move ultimately, do and be.

This retreat encapsulates that, think;


mixed with


I believe:

  1. Woman give up to easy AND do it daily, THEY blame everyone and everything.
  2. Doing hard things INTENTIONALLY makes you a stronger person.
  3. Very few woman genuinely respect themselves.
  4. We have LOST the hunger to be and do better. Society has dulled the natural ambition to strive for more.

Welcome, I am Kiara GROVER

LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, ready to use my experience serving to transform how;

Women respond under pressure, regulate their emotions, and enhance their resilience in high-stress situations.

I aim to EMPOWER women with the SKILLS to stay composed and decisive, leveraging the same training and psychological strategies used in law enforcement to MASTER their personal and professional challenges.

I believe:

  1. True empowerment comes from DISCIPLINE. By doing “specific” training methods, women will develop the fortitude to handle any situation with poise.
  2. Personal accountability is essential for GROWTH.
  3. Resilience is built, NOT born with: facing difficulties head-on, women strengthen their MENTAL and EMOTIONAL resilience, preparing them to handle life’s pressures.
  4. Knowledge dispels FEAR and to be confident in yourself is to be COMPETENT in your personal abilities.

5. Very few woman have TRUE self respect, such respect that doesn’t dilute when outside noise gets loud.

As stated before... This is NOT your average retreat.

You will NEVER find a space where you do 'health/wellness work' at an elite level and deeeeep psyche work in the same breath.

Where we normalise exploring our 'BEST self' with unorthodox techniques

CORE BELIEF - The personal development industry only wants to explore their psyche's potential, through BOOKS, and podcast - Everyone wants deep shadow work, to solve their problems... *insert side eye*

FEEDBACK - “If David Goggins and Mary Poppins had a retreat this would be it.”

We utilise Cognitive-Behavioral techniques to help you shed detrimental patterns, behaviours, and habits solely through your OWN heightened awareness on yourself.

This means there's no need to delve into “energy work”, unravel limiting beliefs, or engage in COMPLEX modalities.

Our method streamlines your journey of growth, healing, and integration into a SINGLE, powerful practice: a dedication to truth.

This focused strategy not only simplifies your transformation but also ensures consistent, tangible results in every area of your life, empowering you to meet your 20's, 30's, 40's with clarity, confidence, and control.

Click here to APPLY NOW


For those ready to laugh at their perceived limitations and SURPASS what they once considered their maximum potential.

If you believe in the POWER of collective wisdom and teamwork, this retreat is for you. It's tailored for those who understand that we achieve more together than alone.

Suitable for those who desire to build mental fortitude, self-belief, and self-respect. This retreat will provide the right environment to continually push your boundaries, proving that your limits are only as fixed as your mindset.

What to EXPECT?

Unorthodox Intentional Practices: Ice baths, vigorous physical exercises, sensuality workshops, and self-honesty sessions/ processes designed specifically for the retreat.

Community Connection: Join in on specialised sessions designed to deepen relationships, increase team work abilities.

Structured Downtime: Enjoy free time to relax, reflect, or explore on your own terms, ensuring a balanced experience.

All-Inclusive Dining: Nutritious meals provided throughout the day, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, to fuel your body and mind.

Let's EXPLORE your limitations in your mind.

Let's CHALLENGE your capacity to normalise discomfort.


Let's UNRAVEL you what your made of.


"I would say 3 KEY things.

The drive, discipline and grit I’ve cultivated. I’m obsessed with Goggins, never thought I would be. Been running, and that 5km was huge. I’ve committed to running a marathon.

Opening my heart up. I’m still in contact with the gals and have gotten to know them. I got home and sat my partner down and actually spoke to him about the whole retreat and the shifts I had and specifically how much I’d closed my heart off. Was big. Brought us closer. I’m noticing how much love I’m receiving now that I’ve let that guard down

Just honesty. Meeting myself where I’m at. Being willing to show people the things I’m not necessarily proud of. I haven’t complained once since that retreat 😂 and have brought so much more structure in now that I’m actually seeing my life for what it is (money has been a big one)"

You will SEE me / MY coaching style in the purest form.

No notes, no PERFECT curation, Just pure wisdom from my HEART / SOUL.

I'll make you say I FKN HATE YOU & I FKN LOVE YOU in a single sentence.

ALL with love. The style of this retreat is to CHALLENGE you and crack your heart open MORE than you knew was possible.

That'll only be done with a love tap. TECHNIQUES I've learnt outside of the 'coaching' industry from being mentored by pro athletes, iron men, and elite humans.





You're a woman who's tired of the conventional wellness narrative that doesn't challenge or change you. You seek a retreat that demands GRIT, RESILIENCE, and DISCIPLINE but also

You're relatively NEW to personal development but deeply dissatisfied with the mundane and superficial "quick fixes" of the mainstream. You crave a no-nonsense, direct approach

You're a coach, healer, or mentor who has tasted success but still feels something crucial is missing from your toolkit. You're driven by a need to truly understand and transform

nurtures heart, softness, and community. You're ready to say a big fat F*CK OFF to your excuses, complacency, embrace hard truths, and undertake intense physical and mental challenges that are usually reserved for elite athletes. This retreat is for those who are serious about REMOVING their self-imposed limits and achieving excellence in every aspect of their lives.

that CUTS straight to the core of deep personal evolution. If you're eager to leap into intensive and confront low-vibe behaviors that block your path to success in relationships, health, and career, this environment is crafted for you.

the underlying dynamics of human behavior and relationships. This retreat offers advanced insights into SHADOW WORK and cognitive-behavioral techniques, enabling you to guide your clients with unprecedented clarity and effectiveness. If you're READY to enhance your skills and deepen your impact, joining this retreat will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to excel.


9th - 11th Aug

Fri 10.00 Am - Sunday 12.00 pm


Limited tickets available 1 spots left

Apply here now

1st - 3rd November

Fri 10.00 pm - Sunday 12.00 pm



28th Feb - Mar 2nd

Fri 10.00 am - Sunday 12.00 pm


10 tickets available

Apply here now


16th - 18th May

Fri 10.00 am - Sunday 12.00 pm


10 tickets available

Apply here now

Price $2999 (payment plans go up to 8 instalments)

“I won’t be FIT enough to join, or finish the workouts... Maybe later, when I am fitter”

No one has EVER not completed a workout, no matter how fit, or unfit they are.

The purpose of these workouts aren’t to “work out” they are to break your patterns/ conditioning.

“I want to come, but I am low key shitting myself and keep talking myself out of it”

Welcome to the club sis, everyone feels the exact same way, you really aren't unique in your problems. You either let fear dicate your reality, and win. Or you boss tf up and do something a little crazy and get uncomfortable.

“I don’t know anyone who will be there, I wont belong”

1.Better you don’t know anyone you can start fresh.

2. Who cares, if you don’t know anyone you are here to BETTER yourself.

3. We are all here for the same reason, you will fit right in.

“I will wait till you come to QLD or VIC ”

You’ll be waiting a while sis.

We DO NOT PLAN on bringing the retreats outside of NSW for years. WHY? Because we have over 300kg of weights to pack and lug around, that is not a priority.

If you are a 1:1 client or a previous client you DO not need to apply. DM me directly.

After application, you will be in contact with between 4 business days.